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July 11, 2006


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Chief Justice Robert's decision for the unanimous Court in in the law school/military recruiting

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Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

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I haven't been up to much lately. So it goes. What can I say? I've just been letting everything wash over me recently, not that it matters. I just don't have much to say these days.

Winding Up Petition

If you have been issued with a winding up petition for your company because the company owes money. You can pay the money owed before the court date and get the case droped or fight it if you believe it to be worth defending.

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Moe Nawaz is recognised as the UK's Most Trusted Insolvency Auditors and mastermind business coach. He has worked in the turnaround industry since 1989. Moe helps over 500 business people every year via a free advice line ukadvice.com. Moe is the founder of mastermind business coaching and a mastermind executive coach himself. His clients include high tech companies, manufacturers, financial services, entrepreneurs and family run businesses throughout Europe. He has been featured on TV, Radio and other Media.

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